Registration Information
Projected 9th grade students (students who live in the Kalani HS district) - please contact the registrar at your child's current middle school for the registration information.
- Registration is via a Google Form from 6 AM on Monday, December 9 and closes on 3 PM on Friday, December 13. There are a few electives with limited spots available (even if it shows up as an option in the Google Form)
- Those who do not have internet access to complete the Google Registration Form can call the school for assistance
Students NEW to Hawaii or Hawaii DOE School
Registration Packet/Required Documents
- SIS-10W Enrollment Form
- Home Language Survey
- Student Publication/Audio/Video Release (SPAV) Form
- Technology Responsible Use Form (TRUF)
- Questionnaire for the McKinney-Vento Act
- Emergency Card
Please call the Registrar's Office at (808) 305-0508 to schedule an appointment.
- Registering student(s) must accompany their parent/guardian to enroll
- Please complete the required enrollment forms before your appointment
- Due to staffing issues, if you come to your appointment with missing or incomplete enrollment forms, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment
Current Students - Student/Parent Demographic Changes (optional)
- Student Information Update Form (SIS-11)
- This is for current students to use to update information in Infinite Campus
- Parent/legal guardian must provide original ID verification for any demographic changes
- Address changes - please submit 3 proof of residence with the signed SIS-11 form
- Name changes - please submit the appropriate documents showing legal name change
- Email changes - please list them under "Other Changes" at the bottom of 2nd page
Returned Mail
- If your address in Infinite Campus is not current and mail has been returned to our school, we will contact you via phone and or email
- Failure to submit the required documents by the deadline may lead to withholding of student's schedule at schedule pick up and/or a parent meeting if during the school year
- If your new address is out of Kalani High School's district, the following must be submitted in person to the Registrar's office:
Geographic Exception (GE) - please click on the GE link on the left, under Quick Links