Registration Information
Projected 9th grade students (students who live in the Kalani HS district) - please contact the registrar at your child's current middle school for the registration information.
- Registration is via a Google Form from 6 AM on Monday, December 9 and closes on 3 PM on Friday, December 13. There are a few electives with limited spots available (even if it shows up as an option in the Google Form)
- Those who do not have internet access to complete the Google Registration Form can call the school for assistance
Students NEW to Hawaii or the Hawaii DOE School System

Registration Packet/Required Documents
- SIS-10W Enrollment Form
- Home Language Survey
- Student Publication/Audio/Video Release (SPAV) Form
- Technology Responsible Use Form (TRUF)
- Questionnaire for the McKinney-Vento Act
- Emergency Card
Have all of the required documents?
Please call the Registrar's Office to schedule an appointment. Our phone number is listed on the Enrollment Documents Checklist.
- Registering student(s) must accompany their parent/guardian to enroll
- Please complete the required enrollment forms before your appointment
- Due to staffing issues, you may be asked to reschedule your appointment if you have an incomplete enrollment packet
- Families who do not have internet access to complete the registration packet, please call us so we can schedule an appropriate amount of time to assist you
Update Contact Information (current Kalani students) - link is on the left, under Quick Links
Geographic Exception (GE) - link is on the left, under Quick Links